Which of the following Illustrates a Principle of Visual Design

Which of the following Illustrates a Principle of Visual Design

Whether you are launching any product, starting a website, or promoting your brand, visual design is the first thing customers engage with. 

According to SproutWorth, content with relevant visuals gains 94% more traction as compared to text-only content.

Even if you share any visual-based content on social media platforms, you will notice 40 times more views on the content. It’s not magic or any kind of trick. Visual content is more interactive, and that’s why it engages the audience faster than only text-based content.

In this edition, We’re going to answer this: “Which of the following illustrates a principle of visual design” if you want to create visual content that looks fabulous and is more interactive. Keep reading! 

Which of the following Illustrates a Principle of Visual Design

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Several Elements fall under the principle of visual design, such as

  1. Balance
  2. Contrast
  3. Emphasis
  4. Hierarchy
  5. Movement
  6. Patterns
  7. Proportion
  8. White-Space

Let’s discuss them to understand their role in creating realistic visual designs.

#1 Balance

Many times, budding or experienced visual artists make the mistake of not maintaining balance while designing visuals. Have you looked at some visuals and felt like they looked odd or incomplete? That’s because of a lack of balance in the visuals.


Balance is one of the critical factors that makes or fades the beauty of any visual design. If each element of the design is arranged well with the design theme, the appearance of that design looks stunning and engaging.

#2 Contrast

Our brain captures graphics faster than text posts. The contrast makes your visual design stand out. You can say that contrast is the determining factor that lets your viewer decide whether to stay engaged or move on to search for other content. It’s a kind of difference in visuals.


Suppose you’re designing an advertisement for a fitness center. You chose dark blue with white bold text for the writing of a brand’s name. Yellow text with a smaller font size was used to write the venue and date. In this way, you have used size and color contrast to make an advertisement more engaging and attention-grabbing.

#3 Emphasis

In every design piece, there is an area that demands more attention, right? But how would you draw your viewer’s attention to it? The only way to do this is to make that area the center of attention; this is referred to as emphasis in visual design. Emphasis is one of the most crucial design components under “which of the following illustrates a principle of visual design.” It can be done by using design elements such as textures, lines, mass, colors, alignment, contrast, proximity, balance, and repetition.


#4 Hierarchy

In design, knowing which design element demands high attention and which one demands less is crucial to making design engaging. This is known as hierarchy. It involves utilizing several features, such as color, alignment, contrast, brightness, repetition, and size, to emphasize the design elements. Let’s say you are designing an ad poster to announce, and you want to reflect “benefits” in an engaging way. How would you do that? Would you just increase or decrease the font size? Would that work? Not actually! The best way to do this is to reduce the focus on other design elements or make them less engaging. It will increase the focus of the main design element, which you want to make more noticeable.


#5 Movement

The ‘movement’ I’m talking about is not any animated or video design; it’s about using design elements to add some effect, like movement. You might understand better with an example: Have you seen shoe ad posters? There is a forward and backward arrow with a blurred background image; all this shows the sense of motion. This is how you can use some design elements to make your visuals slightly movable without adding any animation or video design.


#6 Patterns

Whether you are working on a background design or a main design element, using different repetitive patterns maintains the coherency of the design. Especially when you are working on any brand designs, patterns play a crucial role. They help brands establish their brand patterns.


#7 Proportion

Proportions refer to the sizes of the design elements in a visual design. Let’s say you are working on any carousel design. By maintaining the appropriate size of the design elements, such as arrows and repetitive patterns, you can make your carousel design more realistic.


#8 White-space

Nobody likes to be overwhelmed. White space in visual design is space between design elements, or sometimes it refers to the absence of design elements. The main objective of having white space is to keep viewers engaged. I don’t think you have heard about Apple, whether digital designs or heavy billboards. Apple knows how to leverage white space to add a touch of simplicity and spaciousness to its visual designs.



The list does not end here; there is more to discuss, such as repetition, rhythm, and unity. But like we are only discussing “which of the following illustrates a principle of visual design,” we only mentioned the principles that play a major role in designing stunning visuals.

We hope this article will be helpful to you. Stay tuned for upcoming articles.

READ MORE: An Overview to Visual Elements & Design Principles

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