Elevate Your UI/UX Skills with Figma

Elevate Your UI/UX Skills with Figma

Have you ever been ATTRACTED to any designs? Around 1.71 billion websites have responsive interactive designs, and each one boasts unique elements.

Some of them successfully engage their visitors, while others fail to do so. As a result, the churn rate goes up.

When it comes to UI/UX design, taking inspiration and implementing it the right way is the best approach to honing your UI/UX design skills. 

Just like a drawing is useless without a canvas, UI/UX design can’t be learned without using UI/UX tools. One such best tool for UI/UX designing is FIGMA

Below We’re putting in 100% effort to answer all your doubts about how to elevate your UI/UX skills with Figma.

Is Figma Best for Beginners?

Absolutely! Whether you are just starting or a professional UI/UX designer, Figma’s cool features can help you improve your design process. 

From prototyping to collaborative design projects, Figma is one of the most easy-to-use platforms for UI/UX designers.

As a Figma user, We have noticed that, unlike other design platforms, Figma is light and entirely works on a cloud basis.

That means your work will be stored in cloud storage, just like Google Docs. This Figma’s feature lets you have a little bit more flexibility to continue designing from anywhere.

How to Elevate Your UI/UX Skills with Figma?

Have you ever heard the name of Luke Wroblewski? Luke is an internationally recognized figure in the field of design. He wrote many books on designing web interfaces for users. 

It’s true that whenever you fall into the process of learning, always follow the expert path and implement it to improve your learning. Below, We’re sharing some of the most practical and effective ways to elevate your UI/UX skills with Figma.

#1 Grasp the Catch on Basics

Before you start learning Figma, first understand what exactly UI/UX design is. 

UI Design refers to the user’s interactions with the design elements, such as buttons, sharing links, etc., of the overall design interface.

UX design refers to the user interaction with the product design, such as ease of use and accessibility.

#2 Watch Tutorials to Learn the Basics of Figma

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” Henry Ford

I hope you have completely read these famous quotes. There are an endless number of learning resources you can find on the internet. You just need to do a little bit of research on the best resources and dedicate some time to them. I bet you, just after 3 to 4 days, you will understand using Figma.

#3 Learning to Experiment

You are not alone in your fear of implementing your learning. I am also scared whenever I implement my learning in the practical world, but I still implement it. So whenever you learn something from Figma tutorials, just implement it to explore more about the design process.

#4 Focus on Current Design Trends

Every day, the market fluctuates with new trends. Whether it’s about the latest designing tool or useful hacks, taking a look at trending design ideas is a crucial step in elevating your UI/UX skills with Figma. But before incorporating any trending design hack, ensure that it aligns with your project needs because if it looks off from the projects, people won’t engage with it.

#5 Follow the Path Consistently

Perfection doesn’t come with rules; as it comes from consistent effort. If you are a professional UI/UX designer, you have projects to implement your learnings, but what if you’re a total beginner with zero projects?

You can practice designing famous UI/UX designs as a beginner UI/UX designer. This way, you will benefit in two ways:

First, it will help you learn faster, and second, you can build your UI/UX design portfolio.

#6 Ask for feedback

Most beginners are scared of feedback. But remember, it’s the only way to learn from your mistakes, especially when you are in the initial stage. Always ask for feedback politely and respectfully. The best way to ask for feedback is by posting your designs on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and Dribble. When you start posting your design on these social media platforms, you will start receiving comments. Based on it, you will find areas for improvement in your design process.


In a nutshell, improving design skills needs consistent learning and practice. From understanding the basics of UI/UX design to asking for feedback, each step plays a pivotal role in elevate your UI/UX skills with Figma. By focusing on current design trends, you can upgrade yourself upgraded.

FAQs About How to Elevate Your UI/UX Skills With Figma

Q1. Can Figma be used for UI UX design?

Ans. Yes, you can use Figma for UI/UX designs. It provides many advanced features that can be quite helpful in designing stunning interfaces, creating prototypes, and communicating with team members.

Q2. Can I learn Figma on my own?

Ans. Absolutely. Figma is known for its cool features and easy-to-use interfaces, which help you to learn it quickly.

Q3. How can I improve my UI UX skills?

Ans. Follow these tips to elevate your UI/UX design skills with Figma:

  • Grasp the catch-on basics
  • Watch tutorials to learn the basics of UI UX tools such as Figma
  • Learning to experiment
  • Focus on current design trends
  • Follow the path consistently
  • Ask for feedback

Q4. Can I use Figma for free?

Ans. Yes, you can. But if you have a large team of professionals, you can consider its paid plan, which comes with some additional features specifically for professional use.

We hope this article will be helpful to you. Stay tuned for upcoming articles.

READ MORE: How Does Adobe Figma Compare to Other Design Software?

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